The Effect of Religiosity and Islamic Work Ethic on Hardworking Behavior of Employees (Case Study: Tehran)

Document Type : Research Paper



Hardworking behavior is one of the significant dimensions of work ethic, but nonetheless few studies have been done about the factors affecting the hardworking behavior of employees.
In this study, it was intended to examine the effect of religiosity and Islamic work ethic on hardworking behavior of employees. Research method is descriptive survey
and instrument for data gathering was a questionnaire. Statistical territory is Muslim employees working in manufacturing and service companies located in Tehran. To examine the relationship between variables, the Pearson correlation coefficient and multivariate linear regression was used and to examine the differences between the two groups of single and married employees in hard working behavior, independent t-test was used. Findings of this research indicate that religiosity and Islamic work ethic have significant positive relationship with each other and both are factors that have positive effect on hardworking behavior of employees. In addition, it was found out that hardworking, differs according to marital status, this means that married employees have earned a higher average in hardworking variable. The results help the managers to promote the hardworking behavior of employees through expansion of religious and moral culture in organization..
