Investigating the Mediating Role of Impression Management Techniques as Mediator in in the Effect of Organizational Climate on Perception of Organizational Justice

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor

2 Ph.D. In Organizational Behavior Management

3 Associate Professor of Ministry of Science Research and Technology, Tehran, Iran.

4 Instructor, Sociology, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University of Arak, Arak, Iran


The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of impression management techniques in the effect of organizational climate on the perception of organizational justice in one of the writing media organizations in Tehran. This study is applied and descriptive-correlational in terms of objective and method, respectively. The research population includes all employees of the media organization in Tehran (365 subjects) and the statistical sample included 172 subjects who were selected by simple random sampling method. Three standardized questionnaires were used to collect date: Litwin and Stringer organizational climate questionnaire, Bolino and Turnley imagery management techniques questionnaire, and Niehoff and Moorman organizational justice questionnaire. The research data were analyzed using structural equation modeling technique. The results showed that organizational climate affects the perception of organizational justice and the use of impression management techniques and also use of impression management techniques has an effect on the perception of organizational justice and plays a mediating role in the effect of organizational climate on perception of organizational justice.


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