The Role of Mindfulness on Workplace by Regarding the Mediating Role of Cognitive Flexibility

Document Type : Research Paper


1 faculty of management and accunting,Allameh Tabataba'i University,tehran,iran.

2 programming expert of administrative and recruitment organization

3 candidate of public administration phd. faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, tehran,iran.


The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of mindfulness in the work environment (innovative work behaviors, relationships quality, thriving at work) with regard to the mediating role of cognitive flexibility. The statistical population of this study consists of 383 managers and employees of Mellat Insurance Company in Tehran, of which 192 people were selected as the sample size. The data of this research were collected through standard questionnaires and simple random method and were analyzed by structural equation modeling method by spss22 and smartpls3 software. The validity of the research questions was confirmed using convergent and divergent validity and the reliability of the questions was confirmed by factor loadings, Alpha Cronbach and Composite reliability. The results and findings of the study confirm the conceptual model and hypotheses of the research so that mindfulness has a positive and significant effect on cognitive flexibility and work environment. Also, cognitive flexibility as a mediating variable has a relative and significant role between mindfulness and work environment (innovative work behaviors, relationships quality, thriving at work).


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