The influence of abusive supervision on employees counterproductive work behavior, organizational citizenship behavior and knowledge hiding. The mediating role of organizational justice

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student of Industrial Management, Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch, Karaj, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran, (Corresponding Author)


The main purpose of the paper is to examine the effects of abusive supervision on positive and negative behaviors of employees (originality and organizational citizenship behavior, counterproductive work behavior, knowledge hiding behaviors, and job burnout). This study is applied research and survey-analytical based on covariance matrix analysis using structural equation modeling (SEM). We tested hypotheses on data collected from 478 employees through seven surveys over a 3-month period in National Iranian Gas Company and its subsidiary companies. The main results show that abusive supervision positively affects on counterproductive work behavior, knowledge hiding behaviors, and job burnout; and negatively affects on originality and organizational citizenship behavior. This study demonstrates the mediating role of organizational justice in the effects of abusive supervision on variables, and thus deepens the understanding of the mediating effect. Findings show that organizational justice has a mediating role in the relationship between abusive supervision and negative behaviors of subordinates, and reduce the positive effect of abusive supervision on counterproductive work behaviors, burnout and knowledge hiding behaviors. The results of control variables (gender and subordinate position) show that the effect of abusive supervision on OCB, in men, is more negative than women. Also perception of organizational justice in staff employees is more than line Employees. Also in staff, the mediating role of organizational justice on the effect of abusive supervision on the originality and CWB behaviors, is more than the line Employees.


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