Consequences of Organizational Trust in the Discourse of Islamic Republic of Iran Leaders in One of the Revolutionary Institutions

Document Type : Research Paper



Honesty and truth are great characteristics of human moralityand if all human activities and actions are based on fidelity and truth, provide them virtuous and high-quality situation. Opening of happiness and prosperity to the human society can`t occur, except by establishing a foundation for honesty.Therefore, this article seeks to analyze the discourse of Imam Khomeini and Supreme Leader by grounded theory and present the consequences of organizational integrity in Sepah. In this regard, all the writings and statements of these Greats related to the subject were studied. Subsequently, selected texts were analyzed by partial decomposition method through open coding. According to the research findings, 591 codes, 47 concepts, 11 subcategories and 3 categories were identified. The results show that from the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini and the Supreme Leader the main consequences of organizational integrity in this organization are: the protection of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the defense authority and the development and excellence of the Holy Islamic Republic of Iran.


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