Identification of Spiritual Intelligence Components Based on Rumi's Masnavi

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tehran University

2 Faculty member of University of Tehran Facultyof Management

3 دانشجو


Effective management requires special attention to understand the meaning of life. Understanding the meaning of life and solving value problems will be achieved neither by logical nor emotional intelligence; Indeed an intelligence beyond conventional intelligence is required. This can be expressed through the concept of spiritual intelligence. Regarding the overlap of spiritualism and mysticism, the object of this research is the recognizing the components of spiritual intelligence based on the viewpoint of the great Sufi mystic Rumi. This is a fundamental research which identifies the components of Spiritual Intelligence in Rumi’s Masnavi using qualitative thematic analysis. After the accomplishment of the various steps of the study, nine basic themes: surrender , patience, modesty, gratefulness, acceptance of diversity , holism , system approach, ambition and Self-scrutiny which represent the significance of ethics in the prosperity spiritual intelligence and indicate that the scale of measuring human’s spiritual intelligence is their deeds.
چکیده انگلیسی :
effective management requires special attention to undrestanding the meaning of life. Understanding the meaning of life and solving value problems will be achieved neither by logical nor emotional Intelligence,
Indeed an aguisition beyond conventional intelligence is required. This can be expressed through the concept of Spiritual Intelligence. Regarding the overlap of spiritualism with mysticism , the object of this thesis is the recognition of the components of Spiritual Intelligence based on the viewpoint of the great Sufi mystic Rumi.This is a fundamental research which identifies the components of Spiritual Intelligence in Rumi’s Masnavi using Qualitative Thematic analisis.After the accomplishment of the study nine basic thems Surrender , Patience ,modesty , gratefulness , Acceptance of diversity , Holism , System approach, ambition and Self_Scruting were identified representing the Significance of ethics in the prosperity Spiritual intelligence. which indicates that the Scale of measuring human’s spiritual intelligence is their deeds.


Main Subjects

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