Designing and explaining a behavioral model based on divine rationality and emotion

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student in Public Administration, Organizational Behavior, Faculty of Management, Azad University, Kerman, Iran

2 Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Azad University, Kerman Branch, Kerman, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Management, Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch, Kerman, Iran


Among the factors influencing the formation of behavior, the role of "rationality and emotions" is of particular importance. The purpose of this study is to design a behavioral model based on divine rationality and emotion. The research method is developmental-applied in terms of purpose and descriptive in terms of nature and method. The strategy of this research is qualitative and quantitative. In the qualitative stage, using the method of cyclical analysis process and using Delphi technique, the identified behaviors resulting from divine rationality and emotion were classified into four categories: transcendent, pleasing, distasteful, and inferior, and content validity. The model was approved by 14 knowledgeable experts. The statistical population of the study includes 1477 employees of Shiraz Electricity Distribution Company, of which a sample of 313 people was randomly selected. Data were collected and analyzed using a questionnaire by SPSS-23 and PLS-3 software and structural equation modeling. The findings showed that the divine rationality of employees affects good, bad and bad behaviors. On the other hand, the effect of employees 'divine rationality on transcendent behavior as well as employees' feelings on the four behaviors was not confirmed. After pathology, suggestions were made to strengthen the transcendent behavior of employees.


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